Welcome to the CareFlow Referral-to-Treatment (RTT) user guide. This guide is for staff who maintain RTT Pathways, such as the Trust RTT Validation team.

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What is CareFlow?

CareFlow is the Trust's Patient Administration System (PAS). All other systems in the Trust rely on the patients' information stored in it.

Patient data and activity must be kept as accurate as possible at all times for the following reasons:

  • Patient care - e.g. ongoing care can be seriously compromised, the wrong address details mean that the patient may not receive their letters in a timely manner and therefore miss treatment. It also means that the wrong details are held in other systems that rely on CareFlow to be correct
  • Financial - e.g. funding can be missed if we do not have the correct GP registered for a patient and we lose money when a patient has not attended their appointment
  • Public Perception - the Trust displays a poor image to the public and other healthcare organisations if data is not kept up-to-date

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